The hot weather allows you to consume lot of vegetables and fruits that perhaps would not be available otherwise. But let’s be fair, nowadays there are about a billion different exotic berries in all the colors of the rainbow. How should we be able to actually know what is okay to feed our pet before doing some research? And what about those frozen strawberries? Or even strawberry yoghurt? Is that ok for your puppy do eat?

Can puppies eat strawberries? Are strawberries good for puppies? Your puppy eats strawberries off the rug. Should you be bothered? Not at all, here are some good news for you: strawberries are not baneful to puppies or dogs. And undoubtedly, you can even let your puppy eat strawberries as an occasional treat.

Don’t be ashamed if you are unsure when your child suddenly starts stuffing berries in the mouth of your pup and you think; well that’s perfect, did I just kill my pup?

Strawberries are very chipper for our health, but what about for our dogs? Strawberries are lesser in calories and can help with managing the weight of your dog. While berries are by no means essential to a dog’s diet, they are a healthier snack option than high-fat, salty foods.

You are at leisure to feed your dog with fresh and tasty strawberries but you should do it in the correct manner – don’t give them canned strawberries or strawberries in syrup. They are not fit for your little friend.

Strawberries are very sweet and could be a nice treat to your dog but did you know that they also help your dog to stay healthy in a number of ways? If you’ve been wondering whether it’s safe for your dog to eat then you should stop worrying and let your dog be fond of great benefits.

Advantages of strawberries for dogs

Strawberries are lean and have fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. Strawberries are sweet and will also help your dog with aging. It also helps with weight management and with strengthening the dog’s immune system.

Strawberries also remove fats, salts and also help with the puppy’s teeth. You have to know that the human system is different from that of dogs, for this reason, you should serve your dog with strawberries in the correct procedure and in correct quantity.

Strawberries have vitamins and minerals which are very healthy for your dog but on the other hand, they have too much sugar that can be dangerous for the dog’s stomach.

Serve with moderation to avoid stomach upset or any other problem that may arise. If you grow strawberries in your backyard you need to control the amount your puppies or dogs consume, a bow could be enough but dogs are very curious especially about something they love so much.

Luckily, Ella is very good with children. August can almost treat her single-handedly.

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, fiber, iodine, magnesium, potassium, and other vitamins and minerals. If you’ve never given your dog strawberries, you can start feeding it in small quantities. Just keep a close eye on your dog since some dogs can be allergic to strawberries. Give them in small quantities and watch out for the signs of allergy which are vomiting, diarrhea, and itchy skin.

You just have to notice the reaction of your dog and assure that you provide it in the correct manner by cutting the stems and chop them into shorter slice or blend it in the case of puppies to prevent choking or any digestion problem.

Are There Any Risks to Provide Puppies Strawberries?

As long as you provide your dog strawberries in a correct way there should not be any reason to worry. You should always be checking the dosage and preparation, as overfeeding your dog can lead to unwanted reactions, such as diarrhea or vomiting.

To exclude the possibility of your puppies getting an anaphylactic shock from eating strawberries, you should start giving your puppy just one to test out their reaction. If your puppy looks fine and there are no signs of an allergic reaction, you can give it a few more.

Take your pet to the vet urgently without delay if your dog shows any of these signs:

  • Swelling
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Skin rash
  • Difficulty breathing

How to Provide Strawberries to Your Dog

Remove the stems (they’re not that tasty and can upset stomach of a sensitive doggo) before giving it to your puppy because for some puppies, it’s necessary to slice or blend strawberries to tiny pieces or even mash them, to avoid a potential choking situation- it might sound over the top, but small, greedy dogs who tend to gobble up their food quickly can easily choke on a strawberry.

Frozen strawberries

While raw or frozen strawberries make an excellent healthy low kcal snack for pets, they also make a fantastic ingredient for homemade dog treats. These scrumptious berries add a lovely flavor to dog cookies and “infuse” treats with beneficial nutrients.

You can go for frozen or dehydrated strawberries, if you are not providing your puppies raw strawberries. It’s essential to note, though, that dried strawberries pack a much more powerful punch in smaller servings, so give your puppies just a tiny nibble at a time.

Other Fruits Puppies Can Eat

There are a various fruits safe for puppies to eat in moderate quantity. However, be careful with cores, pits, seeds and the like because they are choking hazards and also can cause digestive distress or many problems as we mentioned above like swelling, coughing, sneezing, skin rash or difficulty breathing etc.

  • Apricot – fleshy part (remove the pit, seeds etc)
  • Banana
  • Watermelon – fleshy part only (remove the seeds)
  • Cranberries—raw, cooked and dried (avoid cranberry sauce or cranberry juice)
  • Mango (remove the pit and skin)
  • Orange – fleshy part only (remove the seeds, etc)
  • Pineapple (remove skin and hard core)
  • Blueberries and raspberries
  • Apples and pears (remove the core/seeds)

In general, what do puppies like to eat? Here is a short list if your dog’s birthday is around the corner and you feel like it deserves a treat:

  • Whole meat (“human grade”)
  • Whole grains
  • Amino acids
  • Identifiable animal-based proteins
  • Fats from clearly labeled source (chicken fat, safflower oil)


Our dogs love strawberries and it’s very likely your dog will as well. Strawberries are a great treat to your puppy, just remember to not overdo it. Too much strawberries can be bad for the health of your dog. Strawberries simply contains too much sugar (yes, for you as well).

Other ¨strawberry products¨ such as strawberry yoghurt might be okay for your dog, but we don’t recommend them. Before you feed anything to your dog that it hasn’t eaten before, make sure to read or google the contents of the product. Try and stick to the basics as much as you can, and If you are unsure whether something can or cannot be fed to your dog, just don’t.

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