While Puppies can eat bananas, you may reasonably hesitate whether your dog can snack on banana peels or not.

The primary mineral content of banana peel is potassium and magnesium. Potassium balances electrolytes and encourages cell growth. Banana peels are a great source of fiber, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, sodium, calcium and iron. By eating a banana peel you get an even bigger boost of these nutrients.

Banana peels are not toxic to dogs, but the tough, fiber-rich skins are difficult for digest and may cause blockage if eaten whole or in large pieces. When your puppy eats banana peels he may experience vomiting and diarrhea, symptoms should subside a few hours later. If problems persist, it is advised to visit a veterinarian.

If your pup eats a small amount of banana peel there’s no need to worry. But large amount can cause gastrointestinal or abdominal pain.

How to feed banana peels to your dog

Well, you kind of don’t. However if you are outdoors and you have just eaten a banana and feel like tossing it in the bushes, your dog might be inclined to go after it. If this is the case with your pup, mashing the banana peels or chopping it into very small pieces could aid the dog’s digestion. However, it is better not to feed your dog banana peels.

Do puppies eat bananas?

It turns out that this could be a generic question, which doesn’t have a definite answer. Some dogs like bananas, while others don’t. As long as bananas are just a snack, not the whole meal, and the dog isn’t allergic to the banana, then there’s no reason not to feed them.

Feeding your pup bananas in moderation isn’t harmful to him. Bananas have a high fibre content that helps to resolve and prevent gastrointestinal problems in dogs.

A small amount of banana is a good addition to the diet when your dog is having bowel problems or diarrhoea. Magnesium is important for facilitating energy transport and helps to build protein within the body. It promotes healthy bone growth in active dogs and puppies.

Bananas are known to be relatively high in potassium. Potassium is an essential electrolyte for regulating an optimal fluid balance in the body.

Bananas are also beneficial for muscle development and healthy blood vessel function. Vitamin C gives an antioxidant boost to your dog’s immune system. It also helps to build cartilage in the body and protect cells from damage.

Bananas are low in sodium and cholesterol, but due to the sugar content in bananas, dogs should only eat them as a treat, and not as a regular part of their diets.

Our puppy Umbra is hopeless. Anything thrown within reach is instantly chewed.

Bananas contain three types of natural sugars – glucose, fructose, and sucrose.

Bananas fed in excess to a dog can sometimes cause constipation, hyperkalemia (excessive potassium levels in the bloodstream) heart problems and worst case scenario cardiac arrest.

Moreover, bananas in excess could cause weight gain due to the high fat content in bananas, blood sugar irregularities with excessive amounts of banana ingestion.

So what happens if your dog helps himself to a lot of banana when you’re are not looking?

Symptoms of eating too many bananas

Symptoms in a dog that has eaten too many bananas include straining to pass a bowel movement, pain and discomfort, diarrhoea, and vomiting. More serious signs associated with hyperkalemia (high concentration of potassium in the blood) include weakness, disorientation, and collapse.

If you suspect that your dog has consumed too many bananas, the best course of action is to seek veterinary advice.

Monitor your dog closely for the symptoms mentioned above as well as any sign of pain or discomfort. Signs of discomfort include restlessness, whining or yelping, dilated pupils, and panting.

If your dog displays any signs of discomfort or any of the above symptoms of eating too many bananas, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Puppies can still have bananas in small quantities as treats, but these should be limited.

How to serve your pup bananas

Medium to large dogs can be fed up to half of a regular sized banana each day while small and toy breeds should only be offered two to three small pieces of banana per day.

Working and active dogs who are burning a lot of calories throughout the day can be offered slightly more.

As said previously, if you want feed your dog any bananas, consult your veterinarian. The right amount of bananas for your specific dog based on their dietary needs and weight. If your veterinarian gives you the okay, there are several ways you can feed bananas to your dog.


When it comes to giving your dog a banana, the easiest way is to break a piece off of the one that you’re eating! Eating large chunks of banana can cause blockages, so keep your pup from gobbling them up.

Slice and Dice

Eating large chunks of banana can cause blockages, so keep your pup from gobbling them up whole. Rather than giving them the whole banana cut or tear it into smaller pieces.


You can also mash the banana into a tasty paste. If you want to give your dog a dessert level meal now and then, try mixing mashed banana into dry food.


Another great way to share the benefits of bananas with your dog is by including it in a homemade treat. Mix them in a treat recipe. You can find plenty of recipes for banana dog treats by searching online.

Some favorites to mix bananas with include peanut butter — Peanut butter has proteins, vitamins, and omega-3-fatty acid. Omega-3-fatty acids aids in lessening high cholesterol. But it should also be given to your dog in moderation.

Stuff in a toy

Smush them and stuff them in a toy, Kong, or puzzle feeder. This will give your dog some mental and physical stimulation and help reduce boredom.

If your dog doesn’t seem to like fresh bananas, try them frozen. Freezing a fruit or vegetable is another way of changing its texture to make it interesting. In an animal’s eyes, it probably sees it as a different kind of treat, since it’s a different texture and temperature experience.

Can Puppies eat banana bread?

Yes, puppies can eat banana bread. Banana bread is made from squashed bananas. It is sugary, clammy and delicious. Sort of like a cake. Last year we actually had an ¨accident¨ with Satchmo, a male puppy, and a birthday cake. Anyway, no cake for him since then.

Dogs like banana bread as these are tasty and dogs love to munch on it. But it is also sugary, and sugary things are not too good for dogs.

With minimal nutritional value, banana bread is not the best option for your pet.

Banana bread is unlikely to harm your dog if given in moderation. Although some pets have wheat allergies or are sensitivities to grains. On their own, bananas are a great snack for your pet. However, banana bread often has added sugar, which dogs should avoid. And if it contains raisins, beware: raisins are fatally toxic for dogs. Dogs who consume raisins should seek immediate medical care.

If your dog has any unusual symptoms, talk to your vet about whether your dog could have a food allergy or intolerance.

Can puppies eat banana chips?

Yes, dogs can consume banana chips. Bananas are a nutritious food rich in potassium and fiber, which are fried or dehydrated to make banana chips. Banana chips are dried wedges of bananas. These are sweet and salty in taste. They contain all the nutrients present in bananas.

Banana chips are a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamins B6 and C. Banana chips can help settle a dog’s stomach and provide a low-calorie energy boost.

The top is coated surface is coated with sugar or honey. These are cooked in oil. Sometimes, some spices are also added in these.

Dogs can eat banana chips in a moderate and calculated amount as more amounts can cause heart problems and cholesterol and. This is because these contain the high content of sugar.

Banana chips are a great energy boosting snack – as long as they are all natural.

Though banana chips supply essential vitamins and minerals, you’re better off feeding a fresh banana to your pup.

Chips as part of his diet shouldn’t hurt him, but they’re very pointy. Dogs aren’t that good at grinding their food, so they just swallow down things like chips that could potentially do some damage to their esophagus. If he’s in the habit of wolfing them down in large chunks, it’s a good idea to keep them away from her.

How to serve your pup banana chips

Banana chips can be given as treat and part of your dog’s daily meals. Generally, we are against treating our dogs too often, unless it has worked for its reward. I guess we are old school. But theoretically. if your pup are crazy about banana chips, you could give him one daily.

Just remember to be careful not to give banana chips to a diabetic dog. Either way, banana chips should be given in small quantities.


In summary, banana peels aren’t toxic to dogs, but it is better to keep it away from them. Puppies eat bananas but should be fed in moderation. Banana bread is edible for your dog as long as the ingredients are all natural. Banana chips are super okay, but are very pointy. Dogs are not really good at grinding their food, so, be careful when feeding it to your pup.

All of these— bananas, bananas chips and banana breads – if fed to your dog should, should always be given in moderation.

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